From when did you voice act, You don't even have a professional mic.
Good for a first game
From when did you voice act, You don't even have a professional mic.
Good for a first game
thanks for the rating and ahahahahahahah i could try :P lol
The space ship is too slow, The graphics are bad. It needs more work
Amazing Concept!
Good art, I like the concept of go ew/617393/show_review_form/1ing through time in all games, But its boring and too slow
"Tonight is your list night"? Is it not suppose to be "last", anyhow 5 star easly
Really Smart !, Nice idea, Now expand on it
Good physics, It was ok. Not my type of game, But it was good designed so you deserve at least 4 stars
If you just made 100 achievements, you could make each one a 5 point medal That would be much better instead of copying achievement unlocked
Good for a start, Needs more work tho
I'm 16, I started Programming when I was 7. I've just launched my new company go check out what we are up to om/user/ProgressStud ios
Age 28, Male
Program/entrepren eu
Planet Earth
Joined on 5/24/11